Cheeky Moo
Face painting for all occasions

Face painting in Hinchingbrooke, Chatteris

Cheeky Moo provides is available for face painting in Hinchingbrooke. The price of face painters in Hinchingbrooke is determined by the zones shown on the map below. As you can see Hinchingbrooke is in zone 2 for the purpose of working out how much face painting costs in Hinchingbrooke. If the address of your event is close to our pricing boundries, you can zoom in to see more detail.

Facepainting in Hinchingbrooke costs £60 for the first hour then £55 for each additonal hour. As Hinchingbrooke is in zone 2 there is a minimum booking time of 2 hours. You can read more about our pricing policy on the main face painting prices page.

These are our standard face painting prices for private events. If your event is outside zone 4 on the map, you need a face painter in the evening, or your event offers free face painting to the general public, please contact us so that we can calculate a price for you.

Our face painters are also available in places close to Hinchingbrooke: Face painting in Chatteris, Doddington, Benwick, Mepal, Mepal, Wimblington, Somersham, Welches Dam, Ramsey Forty Foot, Sutton, Sutton, Wardy Hill, Fenton, Warboys, Witcham, Pidley, Colne, Ramsey, Manea, Bury, Ramsey Mereside, Earith, Bluntisham, Pymoor, Wistow, March, Wentworth, Woodhurst, Oldhurst.